Is the supplier a taxable person that is registered for VAT purposes? Information

People and entities that are registered for VAT purposes act as tax collectors on behalf of the treasury of their country of registration.

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Are you engaged in any of the following transactions?

  1. Supply of goods Information
  2. Supply of services Information
  3. Intra-Community acquisition (from another EU member country) Information
  4. Importation (from a non-EU country) Information

A taxable person that supplies goods or services engages in a taxable transaction. If you receive, as a taxable person, goods from another EU member state, you make an intra-Community acquisition. If the goods come from outside the EU, we call it an importation. If you do something different, e.g. ask for (‘invoice’) compensation of damages, you do not engage in a ‘taxable transaction.’

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Is the taxable transaction situated in the country of the supplier?

The rule of thumb is that the VAT law applies of the country where the taxable transaction is to be situated. When supplying goods this is most often the place of departure of transportation. If there is no transportation, it is the country where the goods are stored. Please note that this is not necessarily the country where the buyer is located. Services between taxable persons are usually situated in the country of the buyer of the service, but again, exceptions to this rule may apply.

  1. Supply of goods Information
  2. Supply of services
    • Services to enterprises (taxable persons) in the EU: read Art. 43-55 Directive 2006/112/EC Information
    • Services to consumers and entities outside the EU: read Art. 56-57 Directive 2006/112/EC Information
  3. Intra-Community acquisition Information
  4. Importation Information

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Does this VAT legislation provide for an exemption (if the country applies VAT)?

  1. Exemption exports Informations
  2. Exemption intra-Community delivery Informations
  3. Exemption importation immediately followed by an intra-Community delivery Informations
  4. Other exemptions Informations

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The transaction is out of scope of application of the VAT legislation.

The VAT legislation of the country of the supplier is applicable.

Supplies of goods to other member states of the EU are subject to a specific regime, exempting the supply of VAT if the buyer is validly registered as a taxable person in that other member state. The invoice must specify his VAT registration number and the exact legal basis for the exemption and you must be able to prove that the goods were actually transported to another member state. You must declare this turnover in your periodic VAT declaration in the appropriate box.

Taxable amount Informations

The VAT legislation of another country may be applicable (EU country or third country).

Some countries, such as the USA, have no VAT legislation as of present. In other countries, its scope of application may be limited (China does as of present not apply VAT to the supply of services).

Invoice without VAT.

Consequences as regards the right of deduction? Informations

9. VAT is due. Information

How must the VAT be paid?

  • Invoice inclusive of VAT, requiring VAT registration Information
  • Reverse charge mechanism subject to the condition that the customer is VAT registered Information

If the goods, at the moment of the sale, are already present in the country of supply, the seller will usually have to apply for VAT registration in that country and comply with all the obligation of the local VAT law. When supplying services to taxable persons in other countries of the EU, the ‘reverse charge mechanism’ will often apply. As a result, the supplier may issue an invoice exempt of VAT while mentioning ‘VAT reversed to the buyer’ and the VAT identification code of the latter who will then pay the VAT through its periodic VAT declaration. Some member states have expanded this facility to specific types of deliveries of goods. When supplying services outside the EU the basic rule is that no VAT needs to be charged, even if that customer is not a taxable person.